Scholé means undistracted time to study the things most worthwhile, usually with friends, often in a beautiful place, and often with food and drink. Let’s bring scholé back to school.
Homeschooling parents need opportunities to build lasting relationships with other scholé-minded families. Education is done best in community, a Scholé Community! Learn more about finding or starting a local Scholé Community.
You can begin your journey to restful teaching and learning by joining an existing Scholé Community or starting your own! And you can access practical teacher training online.
Scholé Communities is now a part of Scholé Academy! While Scholé Communities meet in person, many parents use Scholé Academy as a convenient and accessible resource to enhance their child’s education.
We have partnered with to offer the best training available for classical educators. Grow and learn with over 80 courses designed for teachers like you.
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