Homeschooling Interviews

Homeschooling Wisdom With Carrie Finch

Free advice from an experienced homeschooler

Homeschool mom walking

Carrie Finch Video Archive

Why Do You Homeschool?

Rabbit Trails While Homeschooling

Best Parts of Homeschooling

A Love of Reading

Hard Parts of Homeschooling
Moments with Writing
Dealing with Perfection

Sharing the Load

Teaching Difficult Subjects

Getting Ideas

Homeschool Method

Writing & Rhetoric


My Background

Discovering Dyslexia

Advice for Parents

Nourishing Your Own Spirit

How to Homeschool & Clean House

“Reading aloud indelibly imprints your voice on your children’s hearts and minds.  Your children think you’re beautiful."

"Homeschooling is hard, but it's worth it."

- Kathy Weitz