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Live Learning Events Video Archives

Recorded Live Learning Events from ClassicalU and Scholé Communities​

Schole Academy restful learning in classical education

"Friendship... gives us bright hopes for the future and forbids weakness and despair. In the face of a true friend a man sees as it were a second self."

- Wisdom from Cicero

Video Archive

Fireside Stories


Encounter the West African Griot storytelling tradition and listen as Dr. Anika Prather imparts this rich cultural experience and the formative value of hearing these oral narratives with students in the home or classroom. Participants will also learn of Dr. Prather’s forthcoming audio recordings where she shares from this heritage directly with students. 

Living the Liturgy: The Rhythm of Sacred Time


Join host Dr. Christopher Perrin and Dr. Junius Johnson for a discussion on living according to the liturgical calendar.

What is the liturgical calendar, why is it important, and how do we incorporate it in our daily lives?

Dr. Perrin and Dr. Johnson share their experience and wisdom as we enter into the season of Lent! Enter the Lenten season contemplatively and liturgically, and find rest for you, your family, and classroom.


Ethics of Beauty III- The Reconciliation of Men and Women in Christ​


Join guest-host Christine Perrin, MFA, for a much-anticipated THIRD interview with author and Orthodox Christian theologian Dr. Timothy Patitsas to discuss gender and the reconciliation of men and women in Christ from his book The Ethics of Beauty. Rediscover the older Beauty-first response to moral questions, the integrity of the soul, and the best possible human life.

His book The Ethics of Beauty, published in 2019 with St. Nicholas Press, presents a comprehensive Orthodox worldview in contemporary language. In 2019, he co-founded Beauty First Films, whose mission is to produce films that transport the viewer to a place of awe, beauty, and holiness.

The Sounds of the Season: Finding Christ in our Holiday Music


December is the only month we live to a soundtrack. At home, in our cars, and in stores, it is as if everyone has agreed to listen to the same playlist on repeat. In this talk, Dr. Junius Johnson will show us how to turn these beloved songs, even the most secular, into occasions for reflection on the mystery of the nativity and restore a sense of schole to our preparations for Christmas.

Education - A Path to Understanding Goodness


For many in the classical community, it is easy to embrace restful, contemplative education in the early years, but as our children get older, the pressure to meet utilitarian goals and metrics–from SAT scores, to transcripts and college acceptances–can make it difficult to maintain a central focus on cultivating wisdom and goodness as the true marker of success in high school and beyond. In this talk, Cate Gilbert will argue from her own experience as a homeschool graduate and as a Head of School and college professor, that the goal of a child’s education in high school must and can be just as joyfully centered on the exploration and pursuit of goodness as ever before. And that their college experience should do exactly the same.


Imagination, Imaginaries, and the Christian Mind


Christian culture is shaped by both individual imaginations and the collective pool of social imaginaries. Many of the unexamined assumptions that make up our social imaginaries drive our individual imaginations. This seminar will explore this interplay and give some examples of how this works from the art and literature that has shaped the evangelical social imaginary for the past 300 years.

Join us as Karen shares from her upcoming book, The Evangelical Imagination: How Stories, Images & Metaphors Created a Culture in Crisis, some of the movement’s most deeply held concepts, ideas, values, and practices to consider what is Christian rather than merely cultural.


Peril and Mystery: The Theology of Fairyland


“Sometimes people ask me why I, a theologian, like Fairyland. It’s a bit of an odd question, because it seems to suppose that it is strange that those two things go together. But in my experience, it’s just the opposite: I like Fairyland for the same reason that I am a theologian: because I love mystery.  Mystery is a boundary: it marks the border between the world as it presents itself to me and the world as the eternity in my heart tells me it is.”

Join us as Junius Johnson unpacks his new book On Teaching Fairy Stories: A Guide to Cultivating Wonder in Students Through Great Literature and accompanying course on ClassicalU!

Common Arts: The Arts of "Thrival"


Educator and author Chris Hall provides a history of the common arts and explains how we live in the world, but we are increasingly less familiar with it. Supply chains and virtual realities, not to mention an encroaching scientism, increasingly hold the goodness, truth, and beauty inherent in the natural world at arm’s length, or even at bay. Through an integration of the liberal and the common arts, we can learn to resituate ourselves in Creation in such a way that we can thrive, not simply survive. Come learn how these two arts not only resonate with one another, but re-situate us in the world through agency, awe, and an appreciation for God’s providence.

Join us as Chris Hall unpacks his book Common Arts Education: Renewing the Classical Tradition of Training the Hands, Head, and Heart and check out the accompanying course on ClassicalU.

The Ethics of Beauty-Part II: Social Justice & Beauty


Join guest-host Professor Christine Perrin for a much-anticipated SECOND interview with author and Orthodox Christian theologian Dr. Timothy Patitsas to discuss beauty and trauma in the fundamental issue of social justice and its relevance to the task of education and how it is changing our lives.

Reading for the Love of God


In Reading for the Love of God, award-winning author Jessica Hooten Wilson approaches reading as not just a personal hobby or a pleasurable indulgence but a spiritual practice that deepens our faith and then shows readers how to reap the spiritual benefits of reading. She argues that the simple act of reading can help us learn to pray well, love our neighbor, be contemplative, practice humility, and disentangle ourselves from contemporary idols.  –from Reading for the Love of God, Baker Publishing Group- Order Here!

Join us as we contemplate and reflect on reading as a spiritual practice.

An Odyssey of History


Join veteran history educator Wes Callihan as he shares his love of history, Homer, the Greeks and guides us in connecting the importance of these works from antiquity and the depth and significance they have on our reading today! Wesley Callihan has recently completed a new prose rendering of Homer’s Iliad, containing all 24 books of this great epic and will release his translation of The Odyssey this summer! This Odyssey with Wesley Callihan will reawaken your love of history!

Explore and dive deep into the treasures of the ancient world!

Why Church History: The Story of Christ's Church


Award-winning author Simonetta Carr is passionate about teaching her readers, especially children, about the history of the Church. Her passion was born in response to a need for simple but accurate and informative books on men and women of church history, emphasizing God’s preservation of His church and doctrines. Through church history, the world bears witness how Christ has been faithful to His promises throughout human history. Simonetta’s love for Christ’s Church and His covenant community continues to uncover gospel stories in her latest project Kids Talk Church History, a one-of-a-kind podcast designed for children where kids investigate the history of the Church.  Hear from both Simonetta and her kid-hosts as we learn about the ideas and understand the challenges that have shaped the history of the church.

Show Notes: Reading for the Love of God

Show Notes: An Odyssey of History

Show Notes: Why Church History? The Story of Christ’s Church

The Ethics of Beauty with Dr. Timothy Patitsas


Join guest-host Christine Perrin, MFA, and your Scholé hosts for a much-anticipated interview with author and Orthodox Christian theologian Dr. Timothy Patitsas to discuss his book The Ethics of Beauty for an evening to rediscover the older Beauty-first response to moral questions, the integrity of the soul, and the best possible human life.

Find  Dr. Timothy Patitsas book, The Ethics of Beauty here!

The Brothers Karamazov: The Greatest Novel Ever Written! with Dr. Hooten Wilson


The Brothers Karamazov is the greatest novel ever written; it plumbs the depths of the human soul and reveals to us what it means to be made in the image of God, to be imitators of Jesus Christ, to face the horrors of sin and evil in the world, and yet to choose redemptive love. We’ll walk through a few of the most famous scenes and passages, reading them aloud together, and answering the questions that prick our hearts. 

Look for Dr. Hooten Wilson’s upcoming book, Reading for the Love of God, in 2023!

Temperance: The Virtue that Redeems Desire with Heidi White

A wise friend of mine defines sacrifice as giving up something we love for something we love more. But what good things are we willing to forego to attain what is better? And to what end? These are the question of the virtue of temperance, or the ability to limit desire within the boundaries of what is good. Such an endeavor can feel daunting and even irrelevant to the modern spirit, which is conditioned to cast off restraint and indulge our appetites. But temperance is not merely the virtue of duty, but of redeemed desire. In this talk, classical educator and literary podcaster Heidi White will draw from classical philosophy and Christian tradition to demonstrate that temperance is the true pathway to the fulfillment of our heart’s desires. Along the way, she will offer effective practices to instill the virtue of temperance in ourselves and our students. 

Look for Heidi White’s upcoming book, The Divided Soul: Reuniting Duty and Desire in Literature and Life, in 2023!

For the Love of Shakespeare - Teach & Perform in 3 Days! with Tim McIntosh

William Shakespeare is widely accepted as the greatest dramatist, and perhaps poet, in the English language. His prose and characters bristle with energy and ideas. So why are our students so bored by him? Because we ask our students to read him. What if we taught them how to perform Shakespeare?

Tim McIntosh demonstrates his approach in this event! Learn more on Tim Teaches Shakespeare!

Beautiful Education for Any Child - with Cheryl Swope


How can we better welcome students with learning challenges and special needs into our homes, classrooms, and Scholé Communities?

In this event our special guest is Cheryl Swope, author of Simply Classical: A Beautiful Education for Any Child and creator of the award-winning Simply Classical Curriculum for Special Needs. Cheryl discusses this topic, gives practical tips, and provides resources and casts a new light on the beauty of teaching students with learning challenges!

A Great Books Education for All - with Kristen Rudd


Classical education is often caricatured as an education only for the elite. This accusation may seem unfair, though, frankly, perhaps it is well-deserved. Historically, a liberal arts education was for the elite, but it no longer needs to be so today. Everyone at all levels of education and society have access to far more resources than in any era of history ever. Yet even today, this train of thought is still pervasive. Why is that? Does it need to be this way? What can we do to change this perspective?
In this event, Kristen Rudd makes the case that a Great Books education is for everyone, no matter who they are or what skill level they possess, and she will present some ideas for how we can give this beautiful education to anyone.

Layered Reading: Providing Answers to the Questions Our Minds are Already Asking​

When we read, our minds seek answers to questions with a predictable order. By permitting our minds the space to answer these questions early, our minds are calm, receptive, and intrigued. Answering these questions irrigates our minds so the seeds of the story may grow our imaginations. What questions do our minds need answered first so that we can perceive the author’s story.

Andrea also introduces a few reading tools. Reading according to our nature puts our minds at peace and enables us to attend to the story, know the characters, and make new friends.

Rediscover wonder in reading!


Teaching Latin Part I: Lower and Mid-level Latin​

Docendo Discimus…

Join Karen Moore for an introduction to teaching and learning lower and mid-level Latin. Engage your students, plant the seed, and lead them to the wonder and beauty of Latin!   Karen will also introduce you to a few Latin tools and teaching tips for you, your students, and for your classroom practices.

Join us & reawaken your love of Latin!


Teaching Latin Part II: Upper-level Latin

Docendo Discimus…

Join Us for Latin Part II !

Join Karen Moore for this second event, an upper level reading seminar on St. Patrick’s Confession! Karen will be bringing us this event from Scotland and infuse the setting and her shared Celtic heritage! Engage your students, plant the seed, and lead them to the wonder and beauty of Latin! Karen will also introduce you to a few Latin tools and teaching tips for you, your students, and for your classroom practices!

Join us & reawaken your love of Latin and wonder of Scotland!


S.D. Smith: Book Launch! Prince Lander and the Dragon War

Blood calls. Oathbreakers attack. Allies fracture. Legends end.

We are celebrating the book launch with this special Q&A session in tandem with the release of, Prince Lander and the Dragon War, the 10th Green Ember book!

S.D. Smith answers your burning questions and discusses the history, themes and world of The Green Ember series!  

Rediscover wonder in reading!


Classroom Catechisms—Creating to Implementing

What is a class catechism? Why should you have one? How is one crafted?

Joshua Gibbs has written much about and is enthusiastic about class catechisms! He will address the authoring of a catechism, the purpose of it, the implementation, and other related topics.


The Common Arts-Created to Create with Renee Mathis

You’ve heard about the 7 liberal arts, but what about the 7 mechanical arts? Often referred to as the “servile” arts, what are we as classical educators to make of these? Renee will guide us in exploring our nature as created beings who create, and why the liberal arts can make us better creators. Classical education can bear all kinds of fruit, including the fruit of love and service to our neighbor.


The Classic Learning Test Synthesis with Alec Bianco

We are pleased to feature Classic Learning Test with Alec Bianco (College & Homeschool Outreach Specialist) as he unpacks the unique way CLT has created an exam that brings out your student’s unique strengths and offers a more satisfying and meaningful test experience to prepare them for the next step of their learning journey.


Tips for Using ClassicalU as a Home Educator with Dr. Christopher Perrin & Lisa Mayeux


Join Dr. Christopher Perrin (CEO of ClassicalU) and Lisa Mayeux (Director of Scholé Groups) as they discuss the practical ways that classical homeschool educators can best use the courses and offerings on ClassicalU to help them grow as classical educators. Dr. Perrin and Lisa will discuss: • Identifying relevant courses for home educators • Utilizing classical teacher-training for individual, small-group, and large-group purposes • Forming nuclear groups to chat and connect …and more!


On Writing and Story with S.D. Smith

Enjoy an enchanted adventure in writing and storytelling, with our bard S.D. Smith! S.D. Smith is the author of the Green Ember series, a bestselling middle-grade adventure saga. The Green Ember has reached hundreds of thousands of readers and spent time as the number one bestselling audiobook on Audible. Smith’s stories are captivating readers across the globe who are hungry for “new stories with an old soul.”


Early Christian Music with Professor Carol

Professor Carol leads us in securing our liturgical roots through the Story of Our Early Christian Music and offers ideas for its practice in our home, classroom, and community!

Shakespeare & Scholé with Tim McIntosh

Tim McIntosh, playwright, screenwriter, and actor, will engage us in a discussion of Shakespeare, his importance, and how to host a Shakespeare Showcase in your community and school.

Teaching Science Classically with John Mays

Join veteran science teacher and authorJohn Mays as he shares how to teach science classically in a way that inspires wonder and that leads to mastery of scientific ideas, knowledge and skill. 

leaf icon representing rest

“The formation of a mature person...loves inquiry that reaches into earthly as well as transcendent realms of knowledge..."

- Wisdom from David Hicks