Schole Communities Blog

What’s the Use?
A couple of months ago, one of my logic students told me that she didn’t need to take my class to be successful. It’s a tough class with a highly specific vocabulary and skill set, and they have it at the end of the school day, which hurts their brains. She said that her father never took logic in high school, and he is successful, so she doesn’t need to take logic to be successful, either.

Pulling Together When the World Pulls Apart
by Annie Crawford Fragmentation is a word I find myself often thinking and saying the past few years. So many things in our culture feel

Is Latin a Waste of Time in the 21st Century?
The amount of important information we should know and that would be valuable to know has expanded enormously in the last 100 years. Science and technology have advanced remarkably giving us tremendous tools to improve our lives and work. Many jobs require significant technological skill and specialized training. How will Latin help?

Summer Latin Practice Ideas
As the annual summer sabbatical sets in, parents often ask me how to help their students keep up with Latin over the summer. The idea is not necessarily to learn new material, but rather to help them maintain the knowledge and reading skills they have gained over the course of the year.

Defeating Our Mid-Winter Demons
Around mid-February, our family and homeschool community begin to struggle with that demon who seems to especially delight in tormenting students and educators: Slog. Stupider than his colleagues Wormwood and Screwtape, Slog speaks few words to his deceive victims: he simply weighs down the heart of teacher, parent, and student by whispering over and over, “Look how much you have to do.”

American College of the Building Arts
American College of the Building Arts (ACBA) is a private four-year liberal arts and sciences college located in Charleston, South Carolina. It is licensed by the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education to grant a Bachelor of Applied Science and an Associate of Applied Science in six craft specializations in the building arts.
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