Scholé Communities

Dangerous Business: The Self-Emptying God

I would like to start by asking you to consider an incorrect image. Imagine God, before he creates anything. He is not in Heaven, for He has not made it; He is not in space, for it does not yet exist. He is not anywhere, for the idea of place has yet to be created. So you cannot imagine anything outside of Him: you must simply imagine Him, and you are bathed in Him, swimming in the ocean of his being, an ocean with no shores and no surface, for all is submerged.

Journeying into God

Medieval Christians had the habit of referring to our life in this world as in via, “on a journey,” as opposed to Heaven, where we would be in patria, “in the homeland.” Accordingly, they thought of themselves as viatores, “travelers” or “people of the way.” The Lord’s Supper, which to them was the pinnacle of the grace of God, was called viaticum, “waybread,” “that which sustains the journeyer.”

Cutting School: Why Classical Schools Fragment Education and Turn Learning into Subjects

In 2012, British author and speaker Sir Ken Robinson delivered a speech at the Richmond Forum on revolutionizing education in America. After hearing his presentation, a student in the audience asked him a question along these lines: “Do you think it wise for us to integrate our studies across the disciplines?” Sir Robinson’s response was that the world is already integrated—it is we who have disintegrated it.

Love What You are Fitted to Love

This post was originally published on The Saint Constantine School blog on September 13, 2023. There’s a passage from The Lord of the Rings that I’ve been contemplating as the 2023-2024 school year has gotten underway. Toward the end of The Return of the King, Merry and Pippin are sitting in the Houses of Healing after the battle […]

The Nature of Fairyland

An old name for Fairyland is the Realm Perilous. The poetry of that name alone makes it a suitable descriptor for Fairyland, but its suitability is not exhausted in the poetry. It is also suitable because the fairy realm is a land of dangers. It is inherently a land of dangers: you could no more have a Fairyland without danger than you could have a universe without energy. But why it should be so is instructive.

Crowning Friendships with Truth, Virtue, and Great Books

Hundreds of years before the birth of Our Lord, Aristotle wrote a treatise on well-formed human
character called the Nicomachean Ethics. In this work, the philosopher reasons systematically
through different virtues, explaining how each one ought to be understood and developed. Then,
in the eighth chapter, he begins exploring what he deems a natural continuation of this topic:
friendship. He dismisses friendships of utility and pleasure as accidental; that is, someone in such
a friendship ultimately seeks his own well-being or pleasure. However, Aristotle then introduces
‘friendships of the good’ as the most desirable and perfect friendships.

Why Read Anything but the Bible?

In De Doctrina Christiana (AD 426) Augustine advises readers to learn from human institutions—branches of knowledge—that will aid them in reading Scripture: “This whole area of human institutions which contribute to the necessities of learning should in no way be avoided by the Christian; indeed, within reason, they should be studied and committed to memory.”

Tuning Our Hearts – The Grace of Prayer

Jesus prayed. That is so astounding. It is astounding because of who he was (and is): he was God himself, eternal, there before the foundation of the world, the architect of the foundation of the world. He knew God’s purposes from all eternity, for they were his purposes. He knew them during his human life, as he himself makes clear on many occasions. Why would this person need to pray?